The Department of Trade
and Industry collaborated with the University of San Carlos- College of
Architecture and Fine Arts (USC-CAFA) and the local government units of Argao
and Carcar City to develop packaging of micro and small enterprises in their
The activity dubbed as “ DTI-USC-LGU Linkage for Packaging Design Development of MSMEs” were simultaneously held last February 15, 2013 at the Valladolid Gym in Carcar City and at the AVR of Cebu Technological University- Argao Campus.
Advertising students of
USC-CAFA shared their knowledge and skills to create new or to enhance the
existing packaging of products of MSMEs.
The partnership among DTI,
USC-CAFA, and the LGUs of Argao and Carcar City aims to promote the growth of
MSMEs by improving the marketability of their products and increasing their
overall sales performance.
In Argao, the
beneficiaries of the activity included producers of torta, tableya, bahalina,
soaps, and handicraft. On the other hand, assisted clients in Carcar included
manufacturers of chicharon, ampao, bocarillo, banana chips, and footwear.
Mayor Edsel Galeos of
Argao and Mayor Nicepuro Apura of Carcar City were all-out in their support for
the MSMEs and the students.
For more news on DTI please visit